Microsoft to Replace Current Mail Variants with Single Version Dubbed "One Outlook"

Microsoft is developing a single version of outlook to replace the current Windows 10 mail and calendar apps. It is also replacing its legacy Win 32 with a single outlook for Windows and Mac. Dubbed Project Monarch, the new mail and calendar apps client is part of Microsofts plan to develop One Outlook. It will

Microsoft is developing a single version of outlook to replace the current Windows 10 mail and calendar apps. It is also replacing its legacy Win 32 with a single outlook for Windows and Mac.

Dubbed ‘Project Monarch’, the new mail and calendar apps client is part of Microsoft’s plan to develop “One Outlook”. It will be derived from the current Outlook web app.

“One Outlook (or ‘Monarch’) is the new version of Outlook designed for large-screen experiences. That includes Windows Desktop (win32 and UWP; Intel and ARM), Outlook Web Access (OWA) , and macOS Desktop,” according to a description on the One Outlook Dashboard.

Microsoft had already set its sights on making the less functional built-in mail and calendar apps represent the future of its mail product.

Read: Microsoft To End Support For Internet Explorer in 2021

Microsoft has since added a number of features to Outlook for the web, but also maintained the mail and calendar apps separately as opposed to making all its mail apps based on Outlook.

Microsoft currently has different versions of its ‘plain old outlook’ for different Windows, Mac, the Web, iOS and Android devices.

According to Windows Central, a preview of the ‘One Outlook’ client may be available by the end of 2021. It will however not replace the built-in Mail and Calendar apps in Windows 10 until 2022. The replacement for legacy Win32 Outlook client is projected much later.

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