Early today a Twitter account bearing the name of Central Organization of Trade Unions (Cotu) secretary general Francis Atwoli disappeared after a fierce exchange with exiled activist Miguna Miguna.
The account, @sg_atwoli, seemed to suggest that youths are ‘useless’ in the process of constitution making, citing the case of the US, which has one of the oldest constitutions in the world.
“Youths (sic) must be very shallow to think that constitutions are written by youths (sic). The American constitution which is one of the oldest in the world was prepared by old men and they never consulted the youths (sic),” the account’s holder noted.
Read: Raila Junior Odinga Fails to Interpret Miguna’s Message Despite Boasting of MSc. Finance
In a rejoinder, Miguna seemed to school Atwoli by informing him that the people who wrote the US constitution were highly educated jurists and even not “half Atwoli’s age”.
“They were not half your age, despotic zombie Atwoli. They were all highly learned and experienced JURISTS. None was illiterate like you. None was a sycophant. You should be taken to the World Zoo for Human Primitivity and displayed there for free as a lesson to the world,” wrote Miguna.
In response, Atwoli told Miguna to “concentrate on matters pertaining Canada, since you are not a Kenyan citizen”.
In a flurry of tweets, Miguna went ahead to ‘educate’ Atwoli on good grammar, correcting errors he had made in earlier tweets.
“One last thing ossified looter Francis Atwoli: The PLURAL of Youth is Youth. “Youths” may exist in your despotic language but it doesn’t exist in the English Language. Avoid using @Twitter with that level of illiteracy. Do you understand, Zombie?” he tweeted.
It is not yet clear whether Atwoli decided to pull down the account by himself, or it was deleted by Twitter by breaking any of the terms and conditions.
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